Welcome to Elvaton!

We are so glad you are visiting our website. We want to extend a warm welcome, and invite you to visit us in person as well!

Our focus here at Elvaton is to bring honor and glory to God in everything we do. From the preaching of His Word, to loving others, to serving our community - we want to make Him known!

From Our Pastor:  I long to joyfully and passionately glorify the Lord Jesus in every thought, affection, word and deed while constantly enjoying Him as my greatest pleasure and most precious treasure; and I long to draw others into this same delight through the faithful sharing and unfolding of His wonderful word - Pastor Chris

As you look around our site, we hope that you get a sense of what we believe, what our focus is, and how much we want the world to know about God’s Love. He is like none other and relentlessly pursues us - showing us love and grace and forgiveness.

We hope you experience that here at Elvaton.

Welcome Home!

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ - Matthew 22:37-39